Application & Admissions FAQ


You do not need to complete the application all at once; the system allows you to save and return at your convenience. 

我记不起我的bet8九州登录入口程序帐户的密码了. How do I retrieve that?

Return to the OHIO Graduate Online Application 并按照“返回用户”部分的说明进行操作.

What is the difference between a Copy of an Official Transcript and an Official Transcript?

Copies of official transcripts can be submitted as part of your application materials for most academic programs. The following are not 可作为成绩单接受:建议报告,如dar, 从学校网站上打印的学习成绩, grade reports, 或任何表明是非官方和/或仅供内部使用的文件. Including documents that are not copies of official transcripts will slow down processing of your application.

Official transcripts must be sent from the issuing institution to the Graduate College either electronically or by mail, or have been sent to you in a SEALED envelope and then forwarded by you to the Graduate College unopened. 在打开的信封里收到的成绩单不是正式的.

Official 某些课程需要成绩单作为申请材料的一部分. Check the program’s website and review the program information within the online application to determine if your program requires official transcripts with the application.

All students recommended for admission must provide an official transcript from any institution where they have earned (or will earn) a bachelor’s degree or higher prior to registering in their initial graduate semester.

I've been an Ohio University student. What transcripts do I need to submit?

You are required to list all post-secondary institutions attended or currently attending in the Academic History section of the application. Depending on when you attended an institution and the level of coursework you attempted, 可能不需要提交正式成绩单的副本. 所有学位申请都需要以下成绩单: 

  • A copy of the official transcript from each institution where a bachelor's degree has been or will be granted.
  • A copy of the official transcript from any institution attended after completing a bachelor's degree, 或者是任何研究生课程的尝试, 不管学位是否已经完成或正在完成.
  • A copy of an official transcript from any college or university attended within the past four years from which credit was or is currently being completed.
  • Note: Transcripts for work completed through a study abroad program are NOT required.

 如果您将bet8九州登录入口列为当前或先前的机构, 研究生院将以你的名义索要一份你的俄亥俄成绩单副本. However, 如果你没有把bet8九州登录入口列为优先院校的话, 你需要提交一份正式成绩单的复印件.

注意:一些学术课程确实需要所有就读机构的成绩单. Review the application requirements for the program to which you are applying to confirm if you need to submit all transcripts.


您可以通过邮寄或电子方式提交正式成绩单, 取决于你的学校提供的选择. 大多数院校都会在网上提供如何申请成绩单的说明. 一般来说,这些信息将在注册办公室或记录办公室, 但你也可以在校友信息下找到它.

Electronic transcript services:

Select Ohio University - Graduate Admissions 作为接收者,如果该选项可用的话. 如果要求提供电子邮件地址,请使用


Mailing paper transcripts:

Paper transcripts must arrive still sealed in the original envelope in which they were released by the issuing institution. The mailing address needs to include your full name and your Ohio PID number and/or your date of birth (month/date/year).

Mailing address:

Graduate College
Your name, Pxxxxxxxxx
1 Ohio University
Grosvenor Hall 102
Athens OH 45701



  • Navigate to
  • Log in with OHIO ID and Password
  • Duo Security
  • Once you have accessed your Student Center, you will see panes for Holds and To Do List.
  • 要查看有关hold的信息,请点击“details”链接.
    • Under the "Item – List", click the item link and scroll to the bottom of the page to read the instructions to clear the hold.
  • 若要查看有关待办事项项的信息,请单击列表中的项目.
我已经提交了申请,但需要修改信息. 我应该联系谁来改正这个错误?

一旦你的申请被提交,它就不能被更改. 如果您需要更新信息,如当前的邮寄地址或电子邮件地址, please contact the Graduate College at 请在所有信件中注明您的PID号码.



Return to the OHIO Graduate Online Application 并按照“返回用户”部分的说明进行操作. Within the Application Status Portal, 你可以查看检查表,看看哪些信件已经收到.

重新发送通知邮件给您的推荐人, re-visit the recommendations page, click "Edit", and then click "Send Reminder".

我在访问MyOHIO学生中心时遇到技术问题. When I try go to the center webpage, I receive this error message "the selected language is not enabled for this database." What do I do to correct this error?

To correct the "the selected language is not enabled for this database" issue in the Mozilla browser please go to Tools > Options > Content and then click on the "Choose..." button next to the Languages Section. 接下来,确保英语/美国[en-us]是最重要的语言.

Can I get my application fee back?

No. Application fees are non-refundable. Please review your application carefully before submitting and paying the application fee.

如果一个项目因缺乏申请而被取消, 申请人将被告知他们的选择.


Please allow a minimum of five (5) business days after a document is received by the Graduate College. 在bet8九州登录入口程序高峰期,处理时间可能更长. 申请门户中的核对表项目会随着材料的处理而更新.


每个研究生课程都有自己的申请审查和决策过程. In general, programs conduct application reviews shortly after their application deadline. 研究生院不属于申请审查程序的一部分. 一旦学术项目做出决定, 它被转发到研究生院正式生效.


A credit card authorization error means there is a problem with the credit card you provided. You may see one of the following messages: Decline, Serv Not Allowed, Invalid Trans, or Do Not Honor

这些都是由您的卡提供商发送的一种错误. 无论出于何种原因,银行或信用卡提供商正在拒绝交易. The fee processor provides us with no further details regarding the transaction failure.

A common error is a mismatch between name and/or billing address on the credit card and the name and/or permanent address you listed on your application. Double-check your name and address to make sure it matches the name and address assigned to the credit card, and attempt to submit it again. 如果错误持续存在,并且您希望进一步查询, 请联系发卡的银行或信用卡提供商.

If you are attempting to use a credit card belonging to someone else and are not listed as an authorized user on their account, you may encounter an authorization error. 如果您是指定的卡片持有人,并且您的卡片不起作用, check to ensure your permanent address on the application matches the address on your credit card. 如果您继续遇到问题,请联系银行/信用卡提供商.

如果您无法解决授权错误, you can mail the application fee to the Graduate College and receive in return an administrative code that will allow you to submit your online application. Please contact the Graduate College at 获取更多信息和说明.

Why is my application on hold?



Your application is not considered submitted until you complete all required questions, click submit, and pay the applicable application fee. 您可以返回到保存的bet8九州登录入口程序,进行更新,然后提交bet8九州登录入口程序. If you are unsure if you submitted the application and paid the application fee, return to the OHIO Graduate Online Application 并按照“返回用户”部分的说明进行操作.

Did you indicate that you have been/were charged with, indicted for, or convicted of a felony?

If so, you are sent a questionnaire to complete and return to the Office of Legal Affairs. 在审查结果出来之前,你的申请将被搁置. 

Did you indicate that you were suspended or dismissed from a prior academic program or institution?

如果是这样,你的成绩单在发布到学术项目之前会被审查. Review your Checklist in the Application Portal to see if additional transcripts have been requested.


If so, review the Checklist in your Application Portal to see if additional information has been requested.

我的申请还在审核中,但是要拿到I-20已经太晚了. What should I do?

If you have not been notified of an admission decision and it is too late to pursue an I-20, 您可以更改申请期限. 信息可以在下面找到 Graduate College web page.