Students at commencement
Bachelor of Specialized Studies

Bachelor of Specialized Studies

At Ohio University, students can choose among more than 250 undergraduate majors, from accounting to world religions. But what happens if none of them is exactly the right fit? 专业研究学士学位(BSS)学位允许符合条件的学生创建个性化的, multidisciplinary degree tailored to their individual interests and needs. Working closely with faculty partners and a BSS academic advisor, 学生设计并结合在深度和广度上与预先建立的专业相当的集中领域.

Typically, 专业研究学士学位不适合作为第二学位(双学位), or for someone who has previously completed a bachelor’s degree. In special circumstances, 已修毕学士学位者,得向学位课程主管申请并修毕BSS.


“When I learned about the BSS program,

it sounded perfect for me. 它给了我创造性的自由,让我可以精挑细选我认为与未来职业相关的课程. 这个项目给了我工具来形成一个专业,将服务于我在任何工作场所. At first I was unsure about my future career but now, because of the program, I am looking forward to what the future has in store for me.”

- Aaron Ray,技术和项目管理学士学位,辅修工商管理

photo of Aaron Ray

“Specialized Studies allowed

我希望能开设一个跨学科的自然资源保护专业. As a transfer student, 我也能够借鉴以前的教育经验,形成一个宝贵的专业最适合我的兴趣. 在爱荷华州的爱荷华州多物种调查和监测项目中担任蝴蝶现场技术员的工作帮助我学习了该领域的基本技能,并与自然资源保护专业人士建立了联系.”

—Hannah Kopp, BSS in natural resource conservation

Image for Hannah Kopp

"I have been given so many

不同的机会去体验那些没有学位我永远不会经历的事情. It has served me in a way that has allowed me to appreciate my childhood, my life in general, and my education. 在刑事司法领域工作让你看到一个大多数人试图假装不存在的世界. It does exist, and when you work in it, you appreciate all aspects of it."

—Jamie (McCoy) Chaney, BSS in psychology, sociology, and social work 

Image for Jamie Chaney

"I am very thankful for the specialized

因为它让我可以灵活地在最后一个学期在华盛顿实习的同时获得大学学分, DC. 这个机会让我获得了在课堂上无法获得的宝贵经验. Unlike other tracks, 专业学位使我不仅作为一名大学生,而且作为一名专业人士,都能最大限度地取得成功."

—Imani Edwards, BSS in politics of the Africana Community

Image for Imani Edwards

Departmental Honors


  • Students must earn a 3.5 accumulative GPA to earn departmental honors.
  • An honors thesis spanning at least two semesters of research is required. 学生将在整个论文研究期间参加SPST 4940H.
  • 必须首先提交荣誉论文提案以请求访问SPST 4940H.

Faculty Partners


Faculty who are tenured, tenure-track, 全职/永久教员有资格担任教员合作伙伴. 访问和兼职教师以及研究生没有资格担任教师合作伙伴. Please be aware of your own department’s expectations, as a few departments designate one key person to serve as a BSS Liaison.

bss预科的学生正在寻求您对他们的课程和过渡计划的专业知识. If you’re engaged in a faculty partnership, you can respond to a pre-BSS student’s proposal in two ways:

  1. 如果你无条件支持,请在提案的教员合作伙伴签名线上签名. 通过电子邮件批准学生和他们的BSS学术顾问也是允许的.
  2. 如果你支持(有或没有顾虑),请在提案的教员合作伙伴签名线上签名,并在相邻的方框中勾选你想要包括教员标题的方框(附上教员标题)。. 您可以将标题直接与学生一起退回,也可以通过电子邮件发送给学生和他们的BSS指导老师.  

Faculty Reviewers

学院评审员为BSS提案审查和录取委员会服务. The faculty rubric guides consistency for the faculty review process. 委员会每年召开三次会议,根据该届提交的提案组成分组开会.

Faculty Service Credit

Please request a service letter from Julie Cohara学位项目主任,以获得你作为教员合作伙伴或审稿人的服务.

BSS Academic Advisors

BSS Deadline Extension Form 如果学生在特殊情况下被允许在规定的截止日期前提交提案,则使用. 延期必须在正式截止日期的一周内到期,并且必须附上绿灯提案. A deadline extension may delay graduation.

BSS/AIS Substitution Form is used if a course is full/cancelled/etc. 学生上课的时间就会被打乱. 如果学生没有通过认可的课程或在bss预科,请不要使用此表格.

BSS Substitution Appeal Form 如果学生之前有一门课程不及格,想要补课,可以使用.

Curriculum Petition is used to appeal any BSS major program requirements. Extensive documentation is required for extraordinary circumstances. These are rarely approved.

Non-BSS Academic Advisors

Want to refer a student to the BSS program? 您可以在MyOhio成功网络的推荐标签中这样做,或者鼓励您的建议者拨打740-593-1935注册BSS信息会议. 请不要使用传统的课程更新表格来更改专业.  

Where is my shared pre-BSS advisee in the process? By peak advising in March, 您可以在MyOhio成功网络上查看您的被推荐人在bss前成功计划中的状态. 如果计划完成,他们的提案将被最终录取.


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