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Admissions FAQ

We have collected our most frequently asked questions about the Heritage College to make sure you are well informed before you start the application process.


We take more than just MCAT scores and GPAs into account when evaluating applications.

所有俄亥俄州居民都将收到二次申请. All other applicants will receive a secondary application if they have a 490 MCAT and 2.75 science GPA.  However, to be considered a competitive applicant, students should have metrics closer to a 3.理科平均分60分,MCAT 504分.

For the entering class of 2023, the average science GPA was 3.59; non-science, 3.75; and overall, 3.66. MCAT平均分为503分.43,范围是490到522.


What are some of the other factors you consider in addition to grades and test scores?

Clinical experience, volunteer activities, 展示领导才能, 强有力的推荐信, grade trends, 课程优势, maturity and dedication to osteopathic principles and practices are just some of the other attributes that we look for in our candidates.


Class size – 256
Female – 60%
All Minority - 29%
Out-of-state – 5%
年龄- 18-43岁


请查看必修课程要求 here.

Do I need to have completed my prerequisite courses before applying to the Heritage College?

No, but you must have completed your prerequisite courses prior to matriculating to the Heritage College.


这些信息每年都在变化, and all rates are subject to change by action of the Ohio University Board of Trustees. For 2023-24, 俄亥俄州居民学杂费为41美元,142人,非居民学杂费为58美元,862.

Is the Ohio University 传统骨科医学院 a state-supported medical school?

Yes. 因为我们是国家资助的学校, we give preference to Ohio residents in our application process. However, we encourage applications from all candidates who feel they can contribute to the dynamic learning environment and mission of the Heritage College.


The Heritage College faculty, staff and students on each campus engage in a wide variety of research. From diabetes research and the Virtual Haptic Back project to our annual Research Day showcase, we are committed to trying to understand the mysteries of science and health so that we can improve the lives of our patients.

Check out more information about research opportunities at the Heritage College here.

Where do your students complete their clinical rotations?

在第三年的夏季学期, students move to one of the teaching hospital sites located throughout the state of Ohio for their structured ambulatory family medicine clerkship. Students enter the final one and one-half years of clinical training at affiliated teaching hospitals, clinics and private practitioners' offices throughout the state.

Generally, Cleveland campus students will complete clinicals in northeast Ohio; Dublin campus students will complete clinicals in central Ohio; and Athens campus students will complete clinicals throughout the remainder of the state.

Check out more information about our clinical education sites here.

住院医生呢?? 你们的毕业生都去了哪里?

总之,无处不在! 通过我们的全州临床校园, our students have a wide variety of residency opportunities available right here in Ohio. From Level 1 trauma centers to community hospitals and from metropolitan and suburban areas to rural regions, 我们的全州临床教育网络提供了这一切. Graduates completing residencies outside of the clinical campuses have gone to Cleveland Clinic, the Dallas/Forth Worth Medical Center and the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, just to name a few.

Check out more information about the Heritage College and graduate medical education here.


Yes. One of the many advantages of being part of a major university is the opportunity to earn dual degrees. Through Ohio University, you can earn the following degrees in addition to your D.O.: Ph.D., M.P.H., M.B.A., M.G.H. and M.B.M.E. These dual-degree programs can add two to three years to your undergraduate medical education.



Medical students typically reside within a community closest to their campus location. 我们鼓励医科学生找室友, as sharing housing expenses can help keep your educational budget in check. Accepted students will be invited to join the incoming class GroupMe, 哪里会张贴住房机会. The Office of Admissions can also be a resource to find housing.

What types of support can I expect as a Heritage College student?

We take very seriously our attention to students here at the Heritage College. 你可以通过很多途径获得支持. 教员/员工的导师, COMrades, 学习专家和导师, 嵌入式心理健康咨询师, and diversity and inclusion officers are just a few of the ways in which we provide support. The Office of Student Affairs provides many services to our students -- everything from financial aid counseling to facilitating workshops about how to live on a tight med student budget. They also keep our students informed about current medical and legal issues. You may not find a more student-centered medical school anywhere in the nation.


Please contact the Office of Admissions - we are happy to help guide you through this process!


Phone: 800-345-1560